Nbook of acts chapter 8 commentary

Remember, philip and stephen had been chosen to serve tables acts 6. But to this point, jesus followers had not done this. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the. Acts 14 now at iconium they entered together into the. You will be witnesses to me in jerusalem, in all judea and samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth 1. In the beginning of the book of acts, jesus promised the apostles, you. Commentary on the book of acts of the apostles by matthew. Then both philip and the eunuch went down into the water and philip baptized him.

This persecution is much more severe, since it involves the laypeople and since it comes from the unrelenting hands of saul. Other scholars add the wisdom of jesus the son of sirach or wisdom of ben son of sirach. The following outline is intended to be used while studying the book. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout judea and samaria. Distempers are here named, the most difficult to be cured by the course of nature, and most expressive of the disease of sin. Acts chapter 10 coffmans commentary of the new testament. Commentaries for acts chapter 1 the jerusalem church. Acts of the apostles 1 commentary new testament matthew. With bible gateway plus, you gain instant access to a digital bible study library, including complete notes from the niv cultural backgrounds study bible and the new bible commentary. Study of acts discussion notes chapter 8 introduction our study of the book of acts has been informative and challenging. In the beginning of the book of acts, jesus promised the apostles, you will receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you.

This procedure, for this purpose, does not occur again in acts. The powerful story of the resurrection has been confined to jerusalem, except for those who carried it back to their synagogues from the first pentecost. Commentary on the book of acts bible study lessons. The acts of the apostles is a unique and therefore crucial book of the new testament.

In this chapter we have an account of the persecutions of the christians, and the propagating of christianity thereby. The resulting good of the spread of the gospel leads some to see this persecution as being the will of god. Acts chapter 8 explained discover the 66 books of the bible. Further, it is a harbinger of the fullfledged gentile mission to come acts 28. What opportunities do we have to share the gospel today. The last book of the apocrypha is known by many names. Acts of the apostles chapter 8 bible study youtube. An overview of the book of acts the life of the early church is recorded and preserved for us in the book of acts and the epistles.

The first seven chapters of acts deal with mission work among jews in jerusalem. This verse is a table of contents of the book of acts. Watch our overview video on the book of acts, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Since josephus wrote in the last decade of the first century the book of acts would have been written even later. This chapter is concerned exclusively with the conversion of cornelius, the same event also being under consideration in acts 11. Personal repentance and new life through baptism must lead to a committed group of believers who share their property and wealth, and take care of each other. Content includes book studies on luke, ephesians, thessalonians, james, 1 samuel, john, and acts. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy. This seminarylevel study also retains its depth and uses an engaging interactive format.

Acts chapter 8 matthew henry concise commentary on. Acts of the apostles chapter eight objectives in studying this chapter 1 to note the spread of the gospel into judea and samaria, as foretold by jesus cf. All of chapter 21 is about jerusalem, as are chapters 22, 23, and 24. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy english. Book of acts versebyverse bible study and indepth commentary of the acts of the apostles in plain english for everyone to understand. Acts 8 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity. The inspired historian begins his narrative of the acts of the apostles, i.

Havoc of the church meaning ravaging, used in extrabiblical writings to refer to the destruction of a city or mangling by a wild animal. In verse 8, luke tells us what the whole book is about. Saul is confronted by the risen jesus, who identifies himself with the very community paul is persecuting acts 9. Acts 8 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. An understandable version of acts translation by william e. Acts chapter 8 questions for discussion the living word.

Up to this point, the book of acts recounts the churchs growth among jews in jerusalem and judea. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the knowledge of the gospel, and makes known the preciousness of christ in every place. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at jerusalem. Christ having ordered them not to depart thence, but to wait for the pouring out of the holy spirit. The earlier persecutions of chapters 4 and 5 involved persecutions of the christian leaders, the apostles, by the jewish leaders, primarily the priests. Mar, 20 study of the book of acts chapter 8 ivy baptist church. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the knowledge of the gospel, and makes known the preciousness of christ in every. Acts is a transitional book in the sense that it gives us the record of the way god moved in the minds and hearts of men to found and establish the church and begin its great work in the world today. Concise presentation notes by charles dailey black underlined words match words in the bible text. Saul was consenting unto his deaththe word expresses hearty approval. A proud person might give an outward display of faith because it is the right thing to do in the eyes of others. Acts of the apostles 8, new living translation nlt the.

Acts 8 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Before the coming of philip and the gospel, simon was an admired holy man in the region, and had been admired for a long time acts 8. By its opening words the acts of the apostles is linked in the clearest way with the gospel of luke. At that time there was great persecution against the church their adversaries having tasted. David guzik commentary on acts 8 describes the persecution of the church through saul, but people like the ethiopian official, get saved everywhere. And paul, looking intently at him and o seeing that he had faith to be made well, 2 10 said in a loud voice, stand upright on your feet. A general persecution is raised against the church, 1. The church expands into judea, galilee and samaria acts 8. Chapter 8 can best be summarized as various works of the holy spirit. Verses 14 though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. Acts 8 commentary spurgeons verse expositions of the bible. In acts 8 we read about philip, one of the seven leaders called to assist the twelve see acts 6. Acts chapter 8 questions for discussion the living. It was strange, but very true, that the disciples of christ the more they were afflicted the more they multiplied.

Our story starts off where the gospel of luke left offjesus is back now that hes resurrected, jesus decides to hang out and chat with his disciples whom luke calls apostles for forty days. It alone presents an extensive picture of early church life and history. It has challenged our theology and the depth of our relationship with christ and the holy spirit. The eunuch answered, i believe that jesus christ is the son of god. Acts 1 jesus ascends to heaven, a new apostle chosen a. Acts 8, new international version niv the bible app. In addition, there are topical studies on issues such as spiritual leadership, gods redemptive plan, and old testament character studies. Philip the deacon goes to samaria, preaches, works many miracles, converts many persons, and baptizes simon the sorcerer, 5. The gospel brought to samaria, preached there acts 8. A chapterbychapter bible study of the book of acts 2 acts the beautiful, amazing, powerful, weak, dysfunctional church table of contents scripture passage page 1. Lukes devoting so much space to the narrative of a single conversion indicates the importance of it. Study the bible online using commentary on acts 8 and more. The book of acts ends with paul in house arrest waiting to present his case before caesar. The title as we know it comes from the second century and only partially discloses the theme of the document.

Peter and john are sent by the apostles to samaria. Saul greatly oppresses the followers of christ, 3,4. The spirit of god carries philip to azotus, passing through which, he preaches in all the cities till he comes to caesarea, acts 8. The murder of stephen by a mob of jewish leaders was a great blow to the church. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Study guide for acts 8 by david guzik blue letter bible. Read acts 8 commentary using wesleys explanatory notes. The importance of the book of acts the importance of this second of lukes twovolume work can. Work and christian identity acts 812 bible commentary. In this chapter we have an account of the persecutions of the christians, and the. Commentaries wesleys explanatory notes acts acts 8. Acts with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

Welcome to ivy baptist churchs bible study on demand before beginning this study, please take an opportunity to download the worksheet for this bible study. Acts 8 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, charles haddon spurgeon. A second major division of acts begins with acts 8. In the last part, he describes how the gospel spread through the gentile world. The same theophilus is addressed, and in the first chapter the story is resumed just at the point where the gospel left off, save that a few extra details are given of the lords words after his resurrection, and the account of his ascension is repeated in a somewhat different setting. The ending of acts plays an important role in route of determining the book s date. Acts 8 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. At one time the gospel of luke and the book of acts were joined together as one. But there was a certain man, called simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of samaria, giving out that himself was some great one. The reader is now prepared for the grand opening of the kingdom in acts, chapter 2. The former account i made, o theophilus, of all that jesus began both to do and teach. With a reference to, and a brief recapitulation of, his gospel, or history of the life of christ, inscribing this, as he had done that, to his friend theophilus, ver. Since luke is the author of acts, any date between ad 60 and 100 is reasonable as conzelmann points out.

It thrills us to receive letters telling us we are teaching on a level that almost anyone can comprehend. The conversion of the samaritans by philip is given acts 8. But it is very unlikely that luke copied from josephus. This is the great truth which this experience reveals in acts. Acts 8 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this. In the first 7 chapters, he describes how the good news spread in jerusalem. Luke mentions the city name five times in acts chapter 1. Acts 8 indepth versebyverse bible study and commentary of acts chapter 8 in plain english. Verse 1 saul was consenting unto his death so inveterate was the hatred that this man bore to christ and his followers that he delighted in their destruction. The unity of the spirit felt by the first christians when the. Herod is struck dead by an angel of the lord and eaten by worms acts 12. This rallying cry from john mackay, missionary statesman and ecumenical leader of an earlier generation, needs to be heard and heeded again in our day. It will help to keep the whole of the book before you as you work your way through each section.